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Disclosed Finnish Forest Corporate
Transforming a Finnish Forest corporate towards human centricity
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A Finnish Forest Corporate (Disclosed)



Matti Mölsä
Matti Mölsä
Heikki Savonen
Heikki Savonen
Satu Anttonen
Satu Anttonen
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Transforming a Finnish Forest Corporate towards human centricity

A Finnish Forest Corporate set on a journey to become more user and customer centric with Nordkapp in 2021. They had an ambiguous ICT-architecture, and the digital services and tools did not serve internal or external customer user needs. 

With Nordkapp’s coaching, the Corporate’s ICT-development teams discovered more agile ways of working and were able to bring the user needs to the centre of their development processes. Together with Nordkapp the their multiple business lines agreed on a shared UX vision and adopted Design Thinking to enhance user experience and customer centricity.

The project started the cultural transformation towards a corporate wide user centric approach, and their IT projects now meet user needs and the development processes are speedier and save money. An user experience vision joined the independent business lines to support a shared target. In addition, the ICT-development teams and other employees adapted a user centric mindset, and the corporate established a User Experience Owner role to oversee the UX development and ensure the cultural journey continues.